管理番号 | 新品 :79364406 | 発売日 | 2024/01/08 | 定価 | 15,000円 | 型番 | 79364406 | ||
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平成16年 383P 部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。
本書は、初心の刀剣愛好家の手引きと、実際の入札鑑定に も十分な効果を上げ得ることを目指して編纂しました。 本文は「刀剣の歴史」「全国主要刀工の作風」「刀剣用語と 刀工鑑別法」「刀剣の入札鑑定法」の四章で構成されます。 刀剣の学習には視覚的な要素が欠であるため、実物に 沿った図版を多用し、わかりやすさを心がけました。
第一章ではわが国の歴史に沿って、姿の変遷を中心とした 各時代の刀剣の特徴を概説しました。第二章では初期日本 刀、古刀五か伝、新刀、新々刀に大別し、国別、流派別の 作風を詳説した上で、それぞれの末尾で伝法どとに著名刀 工の特徴を記しました。第三章では鑑賞に用いられる術語 を網羅し、併せて第二章以前の内容をまとめて刀工鑑別法 としました。第四章は入札鑑定の実際と、最もよく出題さ れる刀工の見極めどころを要約して掲出しました。
まず全四章を通読されることをお勧めします。途中で用語 などがわからない場合は第三章をその都度ご覧ください。
鑑定会などでは巻末の頻出刀工一覧を参照し、第三章、第 二章にさかのぼってど利用ください。索引は最少限にとど めましたが、書き込みと併せた各自の工夫をお勧めします。
永山光幹 1920-2010 昭和-平成時代の刀剣研磨師。
This book has been compiled with the aim of providing guidance for beginner sword enthusiasts and being sufficiently effective in actual bid appraisals. The text consists of four chapters: "History of swords", "Styles of major swordsmiths nationwide", "Sword terminology and swordsmith discrimination method", and "Sword sword bid appraisal method". Since visual elements are indispensable for learning swords, we used many illustrations that were in line with the real thing and tried to make them easy to understand.
Chapter 1 outlines the characteristics of the swords of each era, focusing on the transition of their appearance, in line with the history of Japan. In the second chapter, the styles are roughly divided into early Japanese swords, old swords Gokaden, new swords, and new swords, and the styles by country and school are explained in detail, and at the end of each, the characteristics of famous swordsmiths are described. Did. Chapter 3 covers the terminology used for appreciation, and the contents before Chapter 2 are summarized as the swordsmith identification method. The fourth chapter actual and bid appraisal, was posting a summary of the most commonly identify far from the Uncariae that will appear on the exam.
We recommend that you read all four chapters first. If you do not understand the terms on the way, please see Chapter 3 each time.
Please refer to the list of frequently-used swordsmiths at the end of the book for appraisals, etc., and go back to Chapters 3 and 2. We have kept the index to a minimum, but we recommend that you devise your own in combination with writing.
The notation in this manual follows the general notation except for technical terms.
1920-2010 Showa-Heisei era sword polisher.
Born March 21, 1919. He studied under Koson Hon"ami from the age of 14, and received a license for appraisal and polishing from the Hon"ami family in 1955. Established Nagayama Art Sword Polishing Training Center in 1943. He handles a lot of polishing from old swords including national treasures and important cultural properties to modern swords. 1998 Living National Treasure. The book "Sword Appraisal Reader" was also translated into English.
品ですので傷・黄ばみ・破れ・折れ等経年の汚れはあります。外箱欠。表紙小傷、小汚れ、プラカバー小破れ。ページ小黄ばみ、割れ、数か所鉛筆で価格書き込み・蛍光ペンで線引きあり。ご理解の上、ご入札ください。 もちろん読む分には問題ありません。469613注意事項
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